Monday, July 28, 2008

Non-Stupid Heroes Series, Episode 1

It goes without saying that stupid people are the biggest obstacle we face to world peace, clean water, and losing those last 10 pounds. They totally suck.

I will always have lots to say about stupid people (and the names they give their babies) but I wou
ld also like to periodically offer you a glimpse at some of the most non-stupid people who have ever lived.

The first person on my list of non-stupid heroes is Fred Rogers. He loved books, music, and make-believe. He was courageously kind and deeply compassionate. Plus he wore a cardigan. Need more reasons to marvel at the wonderfulness of Saint Mr. Rogers?
Read This.

**Note: This posting brought to you by the letters D, E, R, another E, and K. **


Anonymous said...

I loved Mr. Rogers growing up. I pretended he was my dad! I continue to strive toward his amazing example of being true to oneself while spreading awesome...

Anonymous said...

Even if he wasn't a Special Forces assassin, I still love him.