Monday, April 7, 2008

I love my friends.

Meet my friend Leila the Beer-Drinkin' Christian. She's the mother of quadruplets plus one more. A military wife. A hottie. A smartass. And she's a competitive Irish Dancer. She has all the little outfits and goes around winning blue ribbons. She even teaches Irish Dancing.

Now meet my friend Dan the Theatre-Directin' Christian. He's the father of two. An improv comedy performer. A graduate student. A smartass. And he sprained his ankle doing fakey Irish Dancing. In his living room. To amuse his wife's friends. He is now sporting an enourmous blue bruise and two crutches.
So, I'm trying to figure out if they are like two sides of the same coin or if we're looking at a matter vs. anti-matter paradigm here. I mean, if I put Leila and Dan in the same room, do you think it would cause a rupture in the space-time continuum? Would they cancel each other out? Would it liberate us from the Matrix? Any physicists out there should feel free to chime in with relevant theories!


Jane Ashe said...

hahahaha, this is a wonderful post.

DAN BUCK said...

Better question - what tryndee name would we give our kids? If we were married, or even knew each other?

Anonymous said...

Good question, Dan. How about:
Jiggy Trip
Kinda Flatley
Reel Kewl

Leila the dolanmama

DAN BUCK said...

Kinda Flatley is inspired

Coco said...

CloverPants TullamoreBob?

Shane Alexander said...

My question is what would they drink? I know Dan can't handle beer. You'd need to have some fruity wine cooler on hand to keep the alc-continuum balanced.