Thursday, October 16, 2008

Words of the Week

And the award for the BEST PHRASE I have heard this week goes to....


Isn't that the most amazing set of syllables! It sounds like a yummy treat, a white rap group, and an exclamation all at the same time. Let's use it in a sentence, shall we?

"Holy Pie Crackers! I can't believe you ate all the pie crackers while listening to that awful new Pie Crackers song."

It totally works!!

Thanks Lolly (and Lundy!!) for that new addition to my vocabulary. It makes me very giddy!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget this usage:
"If you don't stop annoying me, I'm gonna go completely PIE CRACKERS!"

"This Chianti is totally pie crackers." (Sort of like "cat's pajamas"?)

Anonymous said...

Holy Pie Crackers, Batman, the Joker got away again! Bam! Pow!