Tuesday, December 4, 2007

St. Antic

Ahhhh! St. Antic!! It's good to see your presence in cyberspace! Welcome!

The Dada Drummer's patron saint is Rose of Lima--a martyr like yourself (if you see her, please say hi for me!) but I have lit a candle for you every week since that time you helped me remember a good joke at a dinner party. St. Anthony may be great for finding keys and mittens, but I swear by St. Antic for lost punch lines! Literally. I learned your usefulness in this area from my dear Grandpa. I can still hear him: "St. Antic, St. Antic, please help me honey. The pressure is on and I need to be funny." Anyway, thanks again. You're a peach.

And thanks for your enlightening musings on modern American culture, movies, and books. I didn't even know you read English! I am particularly encouraged, St. Antic, by your reminder of our collective sins of Consumerism and selfishness. Truly this is the most anti-Kingdom force in our country. It's may not be as flashy as sexual sinfulness but its a heck of a lot more insidious. We are well-served to remember that Evil gets to do its most damaging work when we invite it in willingly into our homes. Kind of like vampires. The Evil that we argue with and challenge is EXPOSED and therefore more vulnerable. Debate! Discuss! Wrestle! The Light of God is more powerful than any darkness we find in our adventures. That Light gives us the strength to be brave and engaging. Truth is Truth. Talking about Error won't make us blind.

The really scary stuff is what we let in the back door when we think God isn't around, the behavior and attitudes we are self-deceptive about, the places where we hide our lights in bushels, the times we lie to the world about ourselves and God, the people we ignore out of convenience. You know the words, St. Antic: "I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault. In my thoughts and in my deeds, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do."

Oh, and one more thing. Thanks for the heads up on that chicken bone at St. Langdon's. Don't I feel silly now!

1 comment:

Grizham said...

Yes, I found that out the hard way. Who would have thought boys virtually looking as if they came from the eighties, and flying outside my window would have been vampires.

Really. I need to entertain less.