Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Your Kid's Name

Let's just be honest here. You put that soccer/softball/baseball/orchestra/dance team sticker on the back of your car for one reason. To show off the groovy name you picked for your kid. It's the same reason you embroidered it on that diaper bag, made a huge wooden sign of it for his/her bedroom, and it's the reason you love to call it out (both first and middle names) in front of other parents. You're proud of your creative writing and want to be sure everyone knows your brilliance. Including that totally unique spelling your found.

Well, good for you.

But by putting your creative writing out there, you're really just asking for someone to offer back some literary criticism. And I'm just the Drummer for that job!

The Prize for the Most Egregious Name Recently Seen on a "kid pride" Sticker on the Back of an SUV:

The Prize for the Most Precious/Trendee Name Heard Called Repeatedly in front of Little League Parents:

The Prize for Most Ridiculous Spelling Seen on on a "kid pride" Sticker on the Back of an SUV:

Just Plain Annoying Name that I Need To Share:

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